Building a Smart Home with Fabulous Appliances: Ideas and Blogs

Simple Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Refrigerator

Refrigerators are simple machines to manage. Once you are done with the electrical connections and temperature preference settings, it is time to let the machine hum away while you enjoy your regular treats to cold drinks and quick dishes. Take note, though. This comfort brings a lot of laxity when it comes to caring for your fridge, and it's only a matter of time before it breaks down or performs below its optimum level. This necessitates costly repairs and forces you to use a lot of energy. Here are some of the things that you can do to get the most of your fridge:

Occasional Defrosting

With temperatures set very low at times to either cool stuff fast or freeze it, your refrigerator will have a build-up of ice from time to time. Sometimes, the cold can be too much such that even self-defrosting refrigerators can accumulate some ice. A build-up of ice isn't good for your refrigerator because it condones unpleasant odour because of stale food stuck in the layers of ice. To add on that, too much ice in your refrigerator interferes with the temperature adjustment, keeping the refrigerator colder than it is necessary in some cases. Have a regular schedule to get rid of the ice by switching off the refrigerator and letting it melt off.

Keep the Coils Clean

In most cases, the refrigerator's coils are located on the lower back section of the machine. They provide a medium in which the hot vapour released by the condenser meets cooler air and changes into a liquid. This liquid, which is under intense pressure, absorbs the heat within the refrigerator's chambers and enable it to reach and maintain low temperatures to preserve food and drinks. Dirt builds up on the coils over time and interferes with their cooling capacity, greatly reducing the energy efficiency of the refrigerator. To avoid this, you should always inspect the coils and clean them using warm water and soap to get rid of the dirt.

Leave Some Space

As much as you may want to stack them up to their maximum capacity, leaving some space in your refrigerator actually does it some good. Leave a few inches of space between the things you are storing in the fridge and its walls. This will enhance proper circulation of air, which improves the cooling capabilities of the refrigerator. Stuffing things in your fridge with no space between them overworks it and forces it to use a lot of electricity.
